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Frame Repairs

Glasses repair kit and the Snapit Screw

snapit eyewear repair kit poster

AlphaOmega Frame Repairs introduces the Snapit Screw, an American invention that is about to revolutionise the world of spectacle repair.

Tedeschi's innovative and time-saving screws take the pain out of eyeglass repair and are paving the way in the optical repairs industry.

Since OptiSource International introduced the SnapIt screw more than five million screws have been sold. SnapIt' now has 26 hinge and eyewear designs on the market and plans are in place to expand to around 35 screw sizes that will fit every type of eyewear frame.

To purchase a Snapit glasses repair kit, priced at only £5 each, please email us detailing the quantity you require:

Each kit contains five screws and a screwdriver which fit inside a plastic tube so you can easily carry them about. The five screws come in different lengths and thicknesses and so will fit just about any pair of spectacles or sunglasses.

Each repair kit screw has a long, smooth lower body that drops into the hinge and, when screwed in place, you simply snap off the bit that's not needed.

You don't need any other special tools, just the screwdriver and the Snapit screw which comes fully threaded and can be inserted in the top or bottom of the broken hinge.

Why Choose AlphaOmega
for glasses repair?

AlphaOmega Glasses Repair aims for the highest standards of customer service and industry expertise in eyewear repairs. All spectacle repairs are carried out in our own specialist workshops by skilled and experienced staff using the very latest machinery and equipment

CEO David Bithell pledges: "We want our customers to be completely happy with any glasses repair or glasses purchase made at AlphaOmega. If any customer has any concern with the service or the purchase they need only contact us and we will do our utmost to put things right. No quibble, no fuss, no charge."

AlphaOmega can repair almost any brand of glasses or sunglasses and is an authorised seller for Ray-Ban and Oakley parts. The company is particularly proud of its speedy frame repair service and will often have fully repaired glasses and spectacles back in the post to the customer on the same day.

Feel free to browse unsolicited testimonials from AlphaOmega customers and check out our lens replacement service for luxury branded sunglasses.

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We repair broken glasses from all over the world, with many written off as 'unrepairable'.

Technician repairing glasses
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© 2025 – AlphaOmega Frame Repairs
Unit 6 Macon Court, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 6EA